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What is climate change doing to Australia
What is climate change doing to Australia? According
to Bom, Australia has warmed overall by just over 1C since 1910, with most of the heating occurring since 1950. Nine of Australia's top 10 hottest
years on record have all occurred since 2005. Officials predicts that 2019, on the temperatures
recorded so far, will be among the four warmest years on record. Bom says it's expecting national mean
temperatures to be at least 1.3C above the long-term average of 27.5C. That heat has helped create the
conditions for natural disasters like bushfires, droughts and floods - which have always happened in Australia - to be
more frequent and more severe. "Australia's climate is increasingly
influenced by global warning and natural variability takes place on top of this background trend," says Bom. Vast areas of the nation are struggling
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through a second and third year of drought. According to the measurements for 2019 so far, the year has been Australia's driest in over a century.
to Bom, Australia has warmed overall by just over 1C since 1910, with most of the heating occurring since 1950. Nine of Australia's top 10 hottest ¸íÇ°·¹Çø®Ä«=¸íÇ°·¹Çø®Ä«
years on record have all occurred since 2005. Officials predicts that 2019, on the temperatures ±Ýõ±¸Æ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç
recorded so far, will be among the four warmest years on record. Bom says it's expecting national mean °úõ¿ø·ëÀÌ»ç
temperatures to be at least 1.3C above the long-term average of 27.5C. That heat has helped create the ±Ýõ±¸¿ë´ÞÀÌ»ç
conditions for natural disasters like bushfires, droughts and floods - which have always happened in Australia - to be Çϳ²Æ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç
more frequent and more severe. "Australia's climate is increasingly kgitbank=¾ÆÀÌƼ¹ðÅ©Á¾·ÎÁ¡
influenced by global warning and natural variability takes place on top of this background trend," says Bom. Vast areas of the nation are struggling ´ä·Ê¶±=´ä·ÊÇ° ´ä·Ê¶± Çà»ç¶± ±îÄ¡¶±
through a second and third year of drought. According to the measurements for 2019 so far, the year has been Australia's driest in over a century.