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What did Ms Ginsburg say about impeachment
What did Ms Ginsburg say about impeachment? Earlier this month, the
president suggested in a tweet that the Supreme Court could step in. "Radical Left has NO CASE. Read the
Transcripts. Shouldn't even be allowed. Can we go to Supreme Court to stop?" When the BBC's Razia Iqbal
asked the justice what her reading of the constitution was in this
context, she replied: "The president is not a lawyer, he's not law trained." Ms Ginsburg was talking to the BBC
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at an event where she was awarded the Berggruen Prize for philosophy and culture, which is awarded annually to someone whose ideas "have profoundly shaped human understanding and advancement".
president suggested in a tweet that the Supreme Court could step in. "Radical Left has NO CASE. Read the ¸¶Æ÷¿ë´ÞÀÌ»ç
Transcripts. Shouldn't even be allowed. Can we go to Supreme Court to stop?" When the BBC's Razia Iqbal º¸Å×°¡º£³×Ÿ¿©¼ºÀÇ·ù=º¸Å×°¡º£³×Ÿ¿©¼ºÀÇ·ù
asked the justice what her reading of the constitution was in this kgitbank=¾ÆÀÌƼ¹ðÅ©Á¾·ÎÁ¡
context, she replied: "The president is not a lawyer, he's not law trained." Ms Ginsburg was talking to the BBC ´ä·Ê¶±=´ä·ÊÇ° ´ä·Ê¶± Çà»ç¶± ±îÄ¡¶±
at an event where she was awarded the Berggruen Prize for philosophy and culture, which is awarded annually to someone whose ideas "have profoundly shaped human understanding and advancement".