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What happens on Wednesday
What happens on Wednesday? Mr Trump is facing two
impeachment charges: obstruction of Congress, by refusing to co-operate with the impeachment probe, barring staff from testifying, and holding back documentary evidence; and attempting
to use his office to pressure Ukraine to investigate his Democratic political rival Joe Biden. If the House votes as expected on Wednesday
along party lines, Mr Trump will become the third president in US history to be impeached. He will then go on trial in the Senate, where
Senators from both parties are obliged to act as independent jurors. The Senate is controlled by the president's Republican Party. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell outraged Democrats last week when he said Republican
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senators would act in "total co-ordination" with the president's team during the trial and vote against the process.
impeachment charges: obstruction of Congress, by refusing to co-operate with the impeachment probe, barring staff from testifying, and holding back documentary evidence; and attempting °³²±¸Æ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç
to use his office to pressure Ukraine to investigate his Democratic political rival Joe Biden. If the House votes as expected on Wednesday °æÈñ´ëÆ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç
along party lines, Mr Trump will become the third president in US history to be impeached. He will then go on trial in the Senate, where kgitbank=¾ÆÀÌƼ¹ðÅ©Á¾·ÎÁ¡
Senators from both parties are obliged to act as independent jurors. The Senate is controlled by the president's Republican Party. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell outraged Democrats last week when he said Republican ´ä·Ê¶±=´ä·ÊÇ° ´ä·Ê¶± Çà»ç¶± ±îÄ¡¶±
senators would act in "total co-ordination" with the president's team during the trial and vote against the process.