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As she set out to explain her reasoning
As she set out to explain her reasoning, sometimes the shouts threatened to drown her out. "Let's have a civil conversation," she said at one
point. "I'm going to continue - I have the microphone." When she came on to the subject of
impeachment, she was greeted with a standing ovation. What was different in this case, says
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the congresswoman, was that the president in his phone call to the Ukrainian president at the heart of the allegations against him, decided to act for his own personal gain "and not in the interests of the United States". "Short of declaring war, this
is one of the biggest decisions I will be voting on in my short time in Congress. I take it very seriously." There were yells of "you're
not fooling anybody" as she continued: "Whether you agree with me or not, I have attempted in all I can to be transparent. For me, this is an issue of principle."
point. "I'm going to continue - I have the microphone." When she came on to the subject of ¼¿ïÁß±¸¿ë´ÞÀÌ»ç
impeachment, she was greeted with a standing ovation. What was different in this case, says ·¹Çø®Ä«¿©¼ºÀÇ·ù ·¹Çø®Ä«³²¼º°¡¹æ ·¹Çø®Ä«¿©¼º°¡¹æ=·¹Çø®Ä«¿©¼ºÀÇ·ù ·¹Çø®Ä«³²¼º°¡¹æ ·¹Çø®Ä«¿©¼º°¡¹æ
the congresswoman, was that the president in his phone call to the Ukrainian president at the heart of the allegations against him, decided to act for his own personal gain "and not in the interests of the United States". "Short of declaring war, this ¿ë´ÞÀÌ»ç°ßÀû
is one of the biggest decisions I will be voting on in my short time in Congress. I take it very seriously." There were yells of "you're kgitbank=¾ÆÀÌƼ¹ðÅ©Á¾·ÎÁ¡
not fooling anybody" as she continued: "Whether you agree with me or not, I have attempted in all I can to be transparent. For me, this is an issue of principle."