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It is all the same group in power
I am a semi-famous person on a semi-famous team - on a very
successful team - that has media access every single day in a growing platform. I think
everything is connected - whether it is the fight for equal pay, a fight for open access to sport, racial inequalities, police brutality, LGBTQ+. It is all the same group
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in power over-lording over everybody else trying to keep everybody else out of power and not really sharing in the wealth - not just in money - but in the wealth of what it means to live a really full life where you actually feel free to live like how you want. I think it's still evolving
but I realised that it's all the same just in different ways and people deal with different things but we all need to be
in together to get change. Now there are so many more opportunities and so many more lanes for people to be in that there is an opportunity and a space for you to be exactly who you want to be. Don't let anyone ever tell you what that is. Never let anybody else define you or your dream or what you want to be.
successful team - that has media access every single day in a growing platform. I think È«Äá¹Ì·¯±Þ=È«Äá¹Ì·¯±Þ
everything is connected - whether it is the fight for equal pay, a fight for open access to sport, racial inequalities, police brutality, LGBTQ+. It is all the same group À̹ÌÅ×ÀÌ¼Ç À̹ÌÅ×À̼ǽðè À̹ÌÅ×À̼ǹ̷¯±Þ=À̹ÌÅ×ÀÌ¼Ç À̹ÌÅ×À̼ǽðè À̹ÌÅ×À̼ǹ̷¯±Þ
in power over-lording over everybody else trying to keep everybody else out of power and not really sharing in the wealth - not just in money - but in the wealth of what it means to live a really full life where you actually feel free to live like how you want. I think it's still evolving ¿ë´ÞÀÌ»çºñ¿ë
but I realised that it's all the same just in different ways and people deal with different things but we all need to be kgitbank=¾ÆÀÌƼ¹ðÅ©Á¾·ÎÁ¡
in together to get change. Now there are so many more opportunities and so many more lanes for people to be in that there is an opportunity and a space for you to be exactly who you want to be. Don't let anyone ever tell you what that is. Never let anybody else define you or your dream or what you want to be.