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Rapinoe was one of the first athletes
Rapinoe was one of the first athletes to join Colin Kaepernick's protest against police brutality by kneeling during the American national
anthem. After team regulations
changed, she now protests by refusing to sing the national anthem and does not put her hand on the badge. She has said she will probably never sing the national anthem again. Before the 2012 Olympics, I decided
to come out. It felt weird that I was not out. There were so many positive
outcomes from that, helping to move that conversation forward, in asking people to be my ally and support me. And that did not mean you were gay or fully
understood it the way that I do, but I needed people to be my ally. Fast forward to 2016 and I'm watching the Colin Kaepernick stuff unfolding and immediately I felt like: 'I do not know exactly what it is like to be you but I believe you and what you are saying.'
anthem. After team regulations ÀºÆò±¸¿ë´ÞÀÌ»ç
changed, she now protests by refusing to sing the national anthem and does not put her hand on the badge. She has said she will probably never sing the national anthem again. Before the 2012 Olympics, I decided ¸íÁö´ë¿ë´ÞÀÌ»ç
to come out. It felt weird that I was not out. There were so many positive ÀÌ»ñÁü¼¾ÅÍ°¡°Ý
outcomes from that, helping to move that conversation forward, in asking people to be my ally and support me. And that did not mean you were gay or fully kgitbank=¾ÆÀÌƼ¹ðÅ©Á¾·ÎÁ¡
understood it the way that I do, but I needed people to be my ally. Fast forward to 2016 and I'm watching the Colin Kaepernick stuff unfolding and immediately I felt like: 'I do not know exactly what it is like to be you but I believe you and what you are saying.'