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if trade talks are progressing more slowly
Currently, if trade talks are progressing more slowly the UK and EU could agree - by July - to extend the post-Brexit
transition period for up to two years. But on Friday, the Prime
Minister intends to expunge this clause from his Withdrawal Agreement Bill, and instead explicitly rule out any extension. This is designed to underline
to those Leave voters who have backed his party for the first time that he is determined to deliver Brexit - and he wants to quash speculation that he would be prepared to go for a deal that
keeps the UK in close step with Brussels. Government sources say that having a hard deadline will also focus the minds of both sets of negotiators on achieving a deal. With Labour losing swathes of seats
in their heartlands, Boris Johnson will claim that the opposition haven't learned any lessons if they vote against his Brexit legislation.
transition period for up to two years. But on Friday, the Prime ÀÌ»ñÁü¼¾ÅÍÈıâ
Minister intends to expunge this clause from his Withdrawal Agreement Bill, and instead explicitly rule out any extension. This is designed to underline ¼º½Å¿©´ëÆ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç
to those Leave voters who have backed his party for the first time that he is determined to deliver Brexit - and he wants to quash speculation that he would be prepared to go for a deal that Æ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç¾÷ü
keeps the UK in close step with Brussels. Government sources say that having a hard deadline will also focus the minds of both sets of negotiators on achieving a deal. With Labour losing swathes of seats kgitbank=¾ÆÀÌƼ¹ðÅ©Á¾·ÎÁ¡
in their heartlands, Boris Johnson will claim that the opposition haven't learned any lessons if they vote against his Brexit legislation.