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you heard about the phenomena
Madi Sharma, who also goes
by the name Madhu Sharma, is a British member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). She was nominated for the committee by the UK Government and has been an EESC Member since 2002. She paints herself as a successful entrepreneur, but according to the
UK's Companies House website, her sole directorship in the UK is with Madi Limited, and the company is dormant. Her book Madi - No Excuses has its own website which asks: "Have
you heard about the phenomena known as the 'Madi Effect'?" Ankit Srivastava of the New Delhi Times is also vice chairman of the Srivastava Group - and he is likely to have heard of the 'Madi Effect' because he has written her a glowing testimonial on her website. "You know all of us at Srivastava Group and New Delhi Times
appreciate you and all your work in the promotion of entrepreneurship, human rights and towards empowering others from all nations," he writes, adding: "Of course we particularly appreciate your support toward India." This support for India and involvement in such a network of websites could be perceived as a conflict of interest for an EESC member like Madi Sharma. She did not respond to the BBC's attempts to contact her.
by the name Madhu Sharma, is a British member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). She was nominated for the committee by the UK Government and has been an EESC Member since 2002. She paints herself as a successful entrepreneur, but according to the ÆĶóÁ¡ÆÛ½º¿©¼ºÀÇ·ù=ÆĶóÁ¡ÆÛ½º¿©¼ºÀÇ·ù
UK's Companies House website, her sole directorship in the UK is with Madi Limited, and the company is dormant. Her book Madi - No Excuses has its own website which asks: "Have Àھ絿Æ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç
you heard about the phenomena known as the 'Madi Effect'?" Ankit Srivastava of the New Delhi Times is also vice chairman of the Srivastava Group - and he is likely to have heard of the 'Madi Effect' because he has written her a glowing testimonial on her website. "You know all of us at Srivastava Group and New Delhi Times °³²Æ÷ÀåÀÌ»ç
appreciate you and all your work in the promotion of entrepreneurship, human rights and towards empowering others from all nations," he writes, adding: "Of course we particularly appreciate your support toward India." This support for India and involvement in such a network of websites could be perceived as a conflict of interest for an EESC member like Madi Sharma. She did not respond to the BBC's attempts to contact her.