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The government denies any religious
The government denies any religious bias and says Muslims are not covered
by the new law because they are not religious minorities, and therefore do not need India's protection. Meanwhile, people in Assam fear that
they will be "overrun" by illegal non-Muslim migrants from neighbouring Bangladesh. They argue that outsiders will take over their land
and jobs - eventually dominating their culture and identity. The protests in Assam have little to
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do with concerns about the exclusionary nature of the law and the threat to secularism. They have more to do with indigenous fears about being demographically and culturally swamped by "outsiders".
by the new law because they are not religious minorities, and therefore do not need India's protection. Meanwhile, people in Assam fear that ·¹Çø®Ä«¼îÇθô=·¹Çø®Ä«¼îÇθô
they will be "overrun" by illegal non-Muslim migrants from neighbouring Bangladesh. They argue that outsiders will take over their land ±¸·ÎÀÌ»ç¾÷ü
and jobs - eventually dominating their culture and identity. The protests in Assam have little to È«Äá¸íÇ°¿©¼º½Ã°è È«Äá¸íÇ°°¡¹æ È«Äá¸íÇ°Áö°©=È«Äá¸íÇ°¿©¼º½Ã°è È«Äá¸íÇ°°¡¹æ È«Äá¸íÇ°Áö°©
do with concerns about the exclusionary nature of the law and the threat to secularism. They have more to do with indigenous fears about being demographically and culturally swamped by "outsiders".